Saturday, March 17, 2012

4 Months

I can't believe that my little Declan is 4 months old. The time really does fly by...He was born at a very busy time of the year, so combined with the normal sleep deprivation the first 2 months went REALLY fast. Every moment that I would remember I would just sit and hold him and take in the sweet newborn smell and stare at all his tiny features.
He has been a happy baby from the beginning. I always thought that before I had kids I would be nervous when they cried and get all panicky. But I feel that I have been blessed to not feel nervous or scared at all. He set his own schedule from the start. The nurses in the hospital would tell me to wake him up to feed him but he would not wake up, but when he was hungry he would let you know. There is no mistaking that this baby has a mind of his own. He knows what he likes and doesn't like and will make sure that you know. He made me wait a week past my due date but when he was ready to come, he came pretty quickly.
Now that he is getting older, his personality is showing through. He is a mellow baby and just like to chill and look around. When I am getting ready in the morning I put him in his Bumbo seat in front of the mirror and he loves to sit and talk and laugh at himself. He loves to be out side and looking at everything. He mostly loves to be strolled around in his car seat, so we go on walks a lot. It also makes shopping easier because he loves to sit in his car seat and stare at everything.
I have loved seeing Doug learn and grow as a father. He also didn't seem nervous and handled Declan with ease. Now Doug loves to play and make Declan laugh. He had nicknamed Declan "the Dex", and we call him Dex so much that it almost seems like that is his name. Doug is wonderful at taking care of him, and since Declan is still not sleeping through the night Doug usually takes a shift at night, and I LOVE it:)
Declan has brought so much happiness and joy to our family and I know that he was supposed to come when he did. He makes me smile and laugh and I love being his mother. I can't believe that I get to watch him grow and go through this life. We love you little Declan!

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